HelenEdith's Blog

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Book Review: Jonathan Kellerman – Twisted

Posted by HelenEdith on March 22, 2008

I have apparently read this book out of order as it’s the second Petra Connor novel by Kellerman, but this book is complete in itself and I didn’t miss the earlier unread book – although it could be interesting to track it down and read it anyway.

In this book, Petra Connor, a Hollywood homicide cop, is baby-sitting an intern, Isaac Gomez, who is something of a prodigy. He’s doing a Ph.D. for fun before starting medical school! His Ph.D. studies have taken him into Petra’s orbit, and while studying a number of old cases, he comes up with a startling link between them, which is that all the crimes took place on June 28th.

Petra is initially sceptical, and only agrees to look into it because she doesn’t want to drop the whole thing and have it come back to bite her later. She works it in her spare time alongside the other case she is working on, and the deeper she gets into it, the more convinced she becomes that the June 28th murders are indeed linked.

Petra’s some-time partner Eric pops up from time to time and renders assistance, both with Petra’s official case and with her June 28th investigation, but in the end it’s Isaac who manages to be in the right place at the right time to crack the whole case.

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