HelenEdith's Blog

The minutiae of my life, plus website updates and book reviews


Hello, I’m HelenEdith, and in case you haven’t already guessed, I love pink! 🙂

There’s more to me than just pink though…

  • By day, I’m a software engineer working on insurance software for a business processing company.
  • I love photography, and my personal website http://www.wuronga.me.uk/helen/ is full of examples of my work.
  • When I was in my mid-thirties, I took up the bassoon. I don’t practise enough, but I still get a lot of enjoyment out of playing chamber music and participating in orchestras and bands.
  • I solve killer sudoku puzzles – the harder the better; and cryptic crossword puzzles – but not something too mind-blowing. The Glasgow Herald puzzle, which is published online, is just about the right standard for me!
  • I read several books a month. I usually have a book to read on the train, although in mornings recently I have been working the aforementioned cryptic crossword from the Glasgow Herald. 🙂
  • I became a cat owner in 2009 when Rolo and Monty joined our household.
  • In 2010, Rolo and Monty were joined by Bennie and Tricki.

When I was in my mid-twenties, I left Australia, where I was born, and went to England “just for two or three years”. That was thirty years ago, and apart from a year spent in the USA and a year spent in Scotland, I’ve lived in England ever since – and expect to continue to do so.

I’ve probably seen more of the UK than many people who were born here, but there’s still loads left that I haven’t seen yet.

Here is a picture of me taken in August 2009, fresh from the hairdresser, when I had just reverted to short hair. It will probably never look quite like this again, as I probably won’t spend 20 minutes blow-drying it in the mornings!

Fresh from the hairdresser, August 2009

Fresh from the hairdresser, August 2009

My partner’s name is Stephen. This pair of pictures were taken at the end of 2001, before my hair became denial brown, with the emphasis on the denial part!

Here are pictures of our two “babies”. Monty is on the left. He’s the intelligent one. He’s a very neat little cat. He always knows exactly what is going on. Rolo is on the right. He’s the noisy one. He’s an extravagant and expansive cat, but he doesn’t have many brains! He’s so good looking that he’ll manage quite well, though! 😀

Monty watching alertly through mere slits in his eyes

Monty watching alertly through mere slits in his eyes

Rolo burrowed into Stephen's pajamas

2 Responses to “About”

  1. What an amazing blog Helen. This is what blogging is all about and you could certainly teach a few people out there on the internet how to do it properly.

    Love the photos of your “chilled” cats. They have obviously provided you with some super photo opportunities.

    • HelenEdith said

      Hello Susan and thanks for the vote of confidence in my blog! 😀

      I go in fits and starts and write whatever takes my fancy, so this blog is an eclectic mix of posts.

      Monty and Rolo really belong in my “About” page along with the human pictures. I must promote them here…

      They’re not much into posing, but if I carry a camera around often enough, I eventually get some good pictures.

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